This Is What Street Harassment Looks Like For A White Guy

"You're the king of the world!"
This is essentially what street harassment looks like for a white guy walking the streets of New York City for 10 hours, according to a new Funny Or Die that parodies Hollaback's viral video, which followed a woman through the streets of New York for 10 hours and exposed the shocking levels of street harassment faced by women on a daily basis.
No surprises here. The white man is showered with free gift cards, food, and chances to network. Each opportunity thrown at him satirizes the ease and extent to which white men receive a variety of privileges in this world.
In other words, the world presents one giant high-five of opportunities.
The video also directly comments on how street harassment might look for a white man walking through the world. A man off camera shouts, "Hey, you look really desirable, but I'm going to respect your privacy."
The point is that street harassment looks very different for men than for women. Statistics provide the proof: a 2014 study conducted by StopStreetHarassment.Org shows the gender disparity when it comes to street harassment, with a whopping 40% difference between men and women:
What the parody video also points out is that men's autonomy is respected on the street — they aren't barked at, whistled at, honked at, talked at, or even whispered at because their position and existence in the world is a given. Women, however, seem to require these types of interpellative acts to exist in the world.
This video drives home the point: street harassment doesn't validate women's existence.
And, in case decoding satire isn't your forté, Funny Or Die lays it bare for you in the video's final moment: