Some Very Beautiful Beards from the World Beard and Moustache Competition

Need some beard-spiration for Movember? Look no further than the 2014 World Beard and Moustache Championship.
Yes, that's a thing. The competition is held yearly by male-centric hair dye company Just for Men. This year's contest of facial greatness took place on Oct. 25 in Portland, Oregon, and Oregon Live reported that it drew about 300 contestants. Categories included "Freestyle Moustache," "Amish Beard," "Musketeer," "Imperial Partial Beard" and "Dali Moustache."
Despite some controversy — there are apparently two main organizations that host facial hair competitions, and the one that didn't host the Oct. 25 event made a fuss — the judges eventually declared Madison Rowley the overall winner.
The Washington Post reported that Rowley spent half an hour at his parents' house "fluffing" with his mother's purple hairdryer. It paid off — his first place winnings include an all-expenses paid trip to Austria for the 2015 championship.
Lest you think these gentlemen take things too seriously, Full Beard Freestyle competitor Josh Seehorn kept it all in perspective. "It's all dead follicles on my face," he said.
Photo credit for all images: Craig Mitchelldyer/AP