This Guy Is Swapping Guns With Dildos in Pictures of Republicans Holding Firearms

Matt Haughey, Slack's senior editor, is providing comedic relief during the otherwise excruciating fight for gun control by Photoshopping pictures of conservative politicians holding guns to make it look like they're holding harmless dildos instead.
"My new project will be replacing any guns held by GOP candidates with a dildo," Haughey tweeted on Saturday. "I'll do this until the election." On a Tumblr page Haughey created for the cause,, he's posting pictures of GOP politicians "holding" dildos — where the dildo's size depends on how big the original photo's gun was. Businessman Donald Trump, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and others have been featured so far.
Haughey joked on Twitter that this is his "obvious ploy to earn a MacArthur Genius Grant."
In another tweet on Saturday, Haughey asked his Twitter followers to send him pictures of "candidates trying to look tough with their guns."
Apparently, that wasn't a tall order. Here are some of the edited images:
Haughey promised on Twitter that he'll live stream the process next time so everyone can see how he makes the images. The Wednesday shooting in San Bernardino, California, that killed 14 and injured 21, was the 355th mass shooting of this year and reignited the debate for stricter gun control.
Correction: Dec. 8, 2015