You've Definitely Been Using Post-Its Wrong Your Entire Life

We've all stuck a Post-It somewhere and been met with a giant air bubble between the Post-It and the surface.
Here's the thing, though: Chances are, you've been using Post-Its all wrong, forever.
Likely scenario: You've been peeling sticky notes from the bottom up.
Life-changing advice: Rip sticky notes from the side, right below where the sticky part ends. It will leave you with a flat sticky note that lies flawlessly against a surface.
This epic tutorial on best practices for Post-Its was catalogued by blogger Martin Schapendonk.
Now go back to your Post-It pad refreshed and ready. You've officially won the battle with non-flat sticky notes.
Read more: That Tab at the End of Chopsticks Has a Mind-Blowing Purpose
Correction: March 17, 2016