Family of Donald Trump Supporters Casually Sports White Supremacist Tattoos

Donald Trump is luring the country's racist contingent out of the woodwork, and a recent profile of the Trump-touting Tilly family during a PBS NewsHour segment makes this frighteningly clear.
As Gawker reported Wednesday, the clan is uniformly energized by the Republican frontrunner, which — considering the fact that they've said they've always stayed out of politics — may be surprising. Until you see their white supremacist tattoos, that is. Perhaps then it starts making sense.
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"I definitely think, with Trump's business savvy, his mind, I think that he's going to be the best one that's going to be able to help us," Grace Tilly told PBS, while putting in calls for her candidate and displaying a sizable Celtic Cross tattoo on her right hand. But it's probably not the Celtic Cross tattoo you'll find on the wall of your local tattoo parlor.
The one she sports — Odin's Cross — is the most popular one amongst white supremacists, says Gawker. According to the Anti-Defamation League, it's "used by neo-Nazis, racist skinheads, Ku Klux Klan, members and virtually every other type of white supremacist."
On her other hand, Grace Tilly sports a large 88 symbol, which, explains the Southern Poverty Law Center, "means 'Heil Hitler,' as H is the eighth letter of the alphabet," and is another favorite among white supremacists.
But are the Tillys racist? Is that why they've gravitated toward Trump? No, explains Grace's father-in-law, Pete Tilly.
"All these protesters and all this stuff, and people saying [Trump's] racist, and then the Black Lives Matter, you know what? Red lives matter," he said. "Because when you bleed, we all bleed red."
Now, given the violence that's come to be synonymous with "Donald Trump rally," and given the mounting comparisons between Trump and Adolf Hitler, it is perhaps unsurprising that the Tillys are championing the GOP frontrunner — they aren't the only neo-Nazi sympathizers within his fanbase. And whatever their stated reason, it seems they wear their true feelings on their tattoo sleeves.
Watch the segment below (starts at 18:32):