This NSFW Adult Coloring Book Lets You Color Penises for Sex Education

The adult coloring craze of the past year has inspired coloring books on everything from enchanted forestry to geometric patterns to Game of Thrones imagery.
One subject that has been sorely underrepresented in the adult coloring book industry, though, is penises.
But this hole in the market may soon be filled (hehe) by a pair of New Orleans architects who are currently crowd-funding a dick-themed coloring book, titled Pen 15 Club: Members Only Coloring. (The name "Pen 15 club" is an homage to that elementary school trick of convincing someone that "pen15" was the name of a secret club, and then writing "penis" on their arm.)
"Just like the classmate who first made you a member back in middle school, we love drawing dicks, cocks and veiny man muscles," the book's creators write on the book's Indiegogo page. "We could keep doodling with ourselves, but why hide it behind a banana hammock? We want to share our love with you."
A promotional video for the crowdfunding campaign indicates that the book will feature various designs, from artsy penis patterns to classic paintings reimagined with wieners instead of humans.
Given that coloring is often seen as a way to reconnect with your inner child, the invention of a dick coloring book for adults kinda makes sense. Children are dick-drawing professionals. It's kinda their thing.
But lurking behind the book's adolescent humor is a philanthropic cause.
"Once we move into online and physical sales," the creators write, "we will devote a portion of our sales to promoting comprehensive sex education in schools through!" SIECUS is the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, which advocates for better sex education and access to sexual services.
In an email to Mic, the women explained:
We both feel strongly that sexuality is not something to be kept tucked away or seen as taboo. Part of the mission of this book is to make people comfortable with talking about and looking at (and coloring) penises, and sexuality by extension. A big part of the taboo that exists around sex has to do with the sad state of sex ed in the USA (and many other countries), and SIECUS is working to improve the availability and content of sexual education.
The creators are currently 23% of the way toward their goal of raising $7,750 for the book's initial printing. Check out the project's Indiegogo site here and Pen 15 Club on Facebook.
h/t the Huffington Post
May 2, 2016, 11:49 a.m. Eastern: This story has been updated.