Elizabeth Warren Won't Rule Out Being Hillary Clinton's 2016 Vice Presidential Nominee

Elizabeth Warren won't rule out the possibility of becoming likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's running mate, telling Mic in an interview on Tuesday that her focus, for now, remains on serving as the senior senator from Massachusetts.
"Right now, I just want to be clear. I love my job. I'm here in the United States Senate doing exactly what the people of Massachusetts sent me here to do. I'm in the thick of the fights to try to level the playing field, to try to un-rig this system and that's what really matters to me. That's where I'm headed," the progressive favorite said in a sit-down with Mic's Zeeshan Aleem.
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Asked whether she'd foreclose the possibility of joining Clinton's ticket, Warren was hardly Shermanesque in her response.
"You know, this is something we've got to get all of our nominations settled on the Democratic side," Warren said. "For me, I'm going to keep doing my job every single day and I'm not thinking about another job."
Mounting speculation: Buzz surrounding a Clinton-Warren ticket has picked up in recent weeks, stoked in part by Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's statement that the frontrunner was open to an all-female ticket.
Bernie Sanders, who is challenging Clinton in the Democratic primary but lags her badly in the delegate count, has also floated the possibility of a Vice President Warren.
A leading foe of Wall Street banks, Warren could help shore up Clinton's progressive support and attract many of Sanders' erstwhile supporters.
Warren has also assumed the role of campaign attack dog with gusto, slamming presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump's "toxic stew of hatred and insecurity" and torching the real estate magnate as a "loser" whose business success has been greatly exaggerated. Those attacks have drawn the billionaire's ire, with Trump going on a tear against "Goofy Elizabeth Warren."
Check back Thursday morning for our full interview with Warren on student debt, Trump and the 2016 campaign.