The Disgusting Things Cops Are Saying About the New York Man Police Choked to Death

Warning: graphic language below.
"I didn't see anything improper about the arrest."
"If the public isn't willing to accept the fact that the officers did nothing wrong, they can go to hell."
"As far as the grab around the neck, I would have done the same thing. That piece of sh!t was too fat and wide to grab anywhere else."
"All he had to do was comply and he would not be dead. Tough shit and too damn bad."
Image Credit: New York Daily News
America, this is the attitude of your police force. Tensions have run high since the July 17 death of Eric Garner, an asthmatic father of six and victim of horrific police brutality. Garner died at the hands of five NYPD officers after they placed him in a chokehold during a violent arrest in Staten Island.
The outrage has been palpable: New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has called the incident "deeply troubling," while Esaw Garner, Eric Garner's widow, told the New York Daily News that her husband "was a nonviolent gentle giant and they killed him."
Yet not everyone shares this perspective. In various online law enforcement communities, the tenor of the comments has been strikingly different. Websites like and Thee Rant, which requires registration in order to become a member ("No ID card, No Approval!" the site reads), have exposed what some cops really think of the arrest, and it's nauseating:
Anytime a person says "I'm tired of it. It stops today." That will almost always end with the use of force. He made that decision, not the Police. The Police must effect the arrest and rise above any resistance. That resistance or lack of resistance is determined by the suspect. This was a huge man and it appears to me they used minimal force. Sometimes people with pre-existing conditions die when they exert themselves. There are Police Officers that have heart attacks and die every year during physical altercations with subjects. You will not see main stream media featuring those in their headlines. This is nothing more than petty blame shifting and fuel for extremist with an agenda. - reltubs3314A more accurate headline would be "Non Compliant Fat Bastard Gets Just Due In Resisting Law Enforcement Officers" - kopinycIn the first place, if it turns out that the force used by the officers was legal and within departmental policy, it doesn't make ANY other cop look bad. If the public isn't willing to accept the fact that the officers did nothing wrong, they can go to hell. I could care less how the public perceives us when we're in the right and if YOU were any kind of law enforcement professional, you would understand that officer safety is FAR more important than public perception. - joe hoffmanAgain if Mr walking heart attack had simply put his hamburger shovels behind his back, he wouldn't have had a heartbattackmfor over exerting himself. The NYPD did absolutely nothing wron. Tomthe guys slamming these NYPD officekrs, I and many here wouldn't want any of you guys around us on a critical,incident. Hopefully you guys are desk jockeys. - SAPDMASI think they were very generous, maybe too generous in the amount of time they allowed this guy to vent. I wonder if that was because of his size? Or that they were awaiting backup, again due to his size. I also didn't see any kicks, baton strikes, punches, nothing that could be construed as excessive. - esu5You may say "f&ck the police" but you may not f&ck with the police. It's sad that he died, but that blame goes to he and he alone. The police generally don't show up ten deep at your door just to say hey. This pervasive mentality that these assholes seem to have about not listening to the lawful orders of the police is what leads to these deaths and injuries. All he had to do was comply and he would not be dead. Tough shit and too damn bad. - tpaw7I guess it's the best thing for his tribe. He probably never worked a legit job. They city will pay off the family and they will be in Nigggaaa heaven for the rest of their lives!! - DisGraziatoFat fck perp who was anointed a Saint by all who knew him. Married, noticed how they put that in there, because 9 times out of 10 it's not the case. This video will gain a lot of traction and heads will roll. Pretty much every cop there will be modified.As far as the grab around the neck, I would have done the same thing. That piece of sh!t was too fat and wide to grab anywhere else.Seems it was conveniently edited as well. Maybe missing a few details of the mutts action? - MY TWO SENSEFuckin Bratton threw the cops under the bus by declaring it as a choke hold.The cop grabbed him from behind yes but did not hold this guy in a position where the breathing of this fat bast*rd was blocked.The medical examiners report will be in the cops favor.Tell Deblowzio to get his azz to Italy. - Career Path
While it's true that these comments are anonymous and thus unverifiable, Daily Intelligencer points out that both websites require secure registration.
Image Credit: PoliceOne
The takeaway: It's a step in the right direction that such a horrific story has been met with an equally powerful wave of outrage, particularly from leaders like Bill de Blasio and NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton.
But the fact that there are some — any — officers who believe the NYPD was in the right is indefensible. Law enforcement should be the first to admit wrongdoing because they have the power to make sure something like this doesn't happen again.
Harsh words from public figures are good on paper, but they will become meaningless if the attitudes of these police officers don't change.