This Furious Icelandic Man Sums Up Exactly How We Feel About Daylight Saving Time

The news: We made it, folks. We survived our bizarre, biannual tradition of changing our clocks, jumping forward and backward in time to maximize our exposure to sunlight.
But while daylight saving time may be over, the controversy over the practice remains. And you know who has no patience for it? Oskaar, an Icelandic man who can't wrap his head around people debating whether to jump ahead an hour or not, when he has to go about his day in near pitch black.
In this video, Oskaar tells his Australian cousin Dave why he's angry about the debate over DST (Western Australia voted against DST in 2009). While the video is a few years old, it recently went viral after gaining attention on Reddit, and Oskaar's point still stands: "Save your daylight! Save it! Don't let it run away in front of your face!"
There is a reason why Oskaar is so angry. People in Iceland don't have the luxury of choice when it comes to daylight: Throughout the year, they can receive anywhere between three to 21 hours of sun:
The issue isn't with DST itself, but how it's implemented. Theoretically, DST is meant to save money by cutting down on energy use. But studies have found that it has little to no effect on energy savings, and in the case of Indiana it actually led to a 1% increase in residential electricity use
And changing your body's natural rhythm by moving the clock can have serious consequences. Earlier this year, a study presented at the American College of Cardiology discovered "a 25% jump in the number of heart attacks occurring the Monday after we 'spring forward' compared to other Mondays during the year."
Just sticking with DST year-round can solve these issues. While the idea of maximizing sunlight is good, many of the problems seem to arise from the fact that Americans have to change their clocks forward and backward every year. It might be better to just keep DST year-round instead of repeatedly throwing off our bodies' natural cycles.
And many Americans agree. Arizona and Hawaii already don't observe DST, and there are several bills at other states' legislatures to follow suit. In a Rasmussen poll last year, nearly half of Americans said that changing their clocks every year isn't worth it; perhaps sticking with DST year-round will help people see its advantages, with the added bonus of making Oskaar less grouchy.