D.C. Just Took a Big Step to Protect Stoners From Their Bosses

Good news, midnight tokers: Employers will have a harder time discriminating against marijuana users if a new bill approved by the Washington, D.C., city council passes congressional review.
The bill makes it illegal for employers to test applicants for pot until after they've already made a conditional offer to applicants.
In the United States, 84% of employers require pre-hire drug tests. This law would curtail these drug tests, making employers hire you before they find out whether you toked up at some point in the past. However, because of the special but not-totally-fair constitutional relationship D.C. has with the federal government, all local legislation needs to undergo congressional review before it officially becomes law. Congress is currently reviewing the bill, and has yet to make a verdict.
Green is good: The bill, if made into law, is another step toward normalizing marijuana and turning it into something like alcohol. Few employers will refuse to hire you if you've had a beer recently, so why should toking up be treated any differently — especially now that it's legal in D.C.?
Furthermore, accepting marijuana as part of life and culture has had no ill effects in municipalities that have legalized it thus far. Colorado, the first state to legalize pot, hasn't succumbed to reefer-fueled decadence. Far from it: The state is expected to bring in $134 million in tax revenue from marijuana sales, and the murder rate in Denver has plummeted nearly 50%.
There's nothing wrong with using pot. Thankfully, governments are starting to recognize that now. So if you live in D.C., feel free to light one up while you're cruising for jobs on LinkedIn.
h/t NBC