Here's How the NYC Subway System Is Officially Fighting Back Against "Man-Spreading"

It's official: The Metropolitan Transit Authority is taking on "man-spreading."
After announcing in November that the New York City subway system would be launching a new campaign addressing "courtesy on public transportation" in January, the MTA unveiled a preview of the poster series on Monday.
The first tackles the issue that's probably gotten the most media attention, and it's aimed directly at dudes and their presumptuous postures:
While some guys have claimed that they "have no choice to have our legs like that," sitting next to someone who feels the need to take up that much room is just annoying, disrespectful and, frankly, kind of ridiculous.
Then there's a poster aimed at the commuter who wants to carry his or her entire life in a backpack and aggressively swing it around, taking up two or three times the space a normal human would:
While everyone's packed into a subway car like pickles in a jar, no one wants to deal with that lone backpacker who may or may not have brought enough equipment to hike Mount Everest.
Finally, the MTA released one poster aimed at those riders who for some reason feel entirely comfortable eating their food in the same place where millions of New Yorkers do God-knows-what every single day:
Not only is eating in the subway car weird, but the smells can be nauseating for other riders, and, just like the man-spreading and the backpacks, it really comes down to a matter of space. There's only so much room in each subway car, and since we're all trying to share, be courteous to your fellow riders — it's really not that hard.
h/t New York