Watch 100 Years of Black Beauty Evolve in One Mesmerizing Minute

Beauty standards are a finicky thing. Trying to stay up to date with the latest trends and fads is nearly impossible. It's not only because some of them are insane, but because what's "in style" is almost constantly changing and shifting. What seemed cool one moment is ugly and weird the next.
A few months ago, a video titled "100 Years of Beauty in 1 Minute" reminded us just how much women's styles have changed in the past 100 years. But, for all its positives, there was one flaw: It only featured a white woman. Unfortunately, as we look through the past and think about pop culture and fashion, it's all too easy to think of "beauty standards" as just "white beauty standards." But of course, that's not the case.
Luckily, the creators of the original video, released a follow-up on Thursday featuring 100 years of evolving beauty for a black woman. Take a look:
Just like the original video of the white model showed, in Marshay's case, beauty standards and trends evolved just as much for black women as they did for white women. But additionally, because of the differences in hair and general style for white and black women, this new video shed some light on how black women both embraced the styles of the times and made them their own. As we think back through our history of style and fashion, or even just popular culture, it can unfortunately be easy to white-wash everything. But that's simply not the case, and we'd all do right to remember that.
Take a look through the year-by-year changes:
The videos' creators also put together this side-by-side comparison of the two models and their style evolutions throughout the decades: