One Quote Sums Up Why Beck Is the Most Humble Man in Music

"I thought she was going to win. Come on, she's Beyoncé!"
At first it looked like Kanye was paying a joking homage to his outburst, but the hip-hop star really let fly after the show. "I don't even know what [Beck] said. I just know that, the Grammys, if they want real artists to keep coming back, they need to stop playing with us," he told E! Online. "Beck needs to respect artistry, he should have given his award to Beyoncé."
Beck's response was everything you'd expect from a now-five-time Grammy winner who's released 17 studio albums through a long, illustrious career. Here are Beck's full comments, per Us Weekly:
"I was just so excited he was coming up. He deserves to be on stage as much as anybody," Beck said when asked how he felt about West crashing the stage. "How many great records has he put out in the last five years right?"
This, after Kanye's seemingly endless rant about how Beck's win was "disrespectful to inspiration." Here are Kanye's full comments, as told to E! after the show:
The Grammys, if they want real artists to come back, they need to stop playing with us. We ain't gonna play with them no more. Flawless, Beyoncé video, and Beck needs to respect artistry and he should have given his award to Beyoncé.
Whether you agree with the outcome or not, there's no denying that Beck is one helluva humble guy — and Kanye West could learn something from the musician about manners.