Watch John Oliver Slam the UK Labor Party's Pathetic Attempt to Woo Women With a Pink Bus


Note to political parties: If you're going to pretend you're fighting misogyny, you could at least put in the effort to pretend you're not a sexist dinosaur.

On Sunday's edition of Last Week Tonight, host John Oliver tore apart the latest example of pandering politicians missing the point entirely when reaching out to female voters: the U.K. Labour Party's new female outreach van, which just so happens to be hot pink. As Oliver sarcastically noted, these are precisely the same tactics that Mattel uses to sell Barbie vans to children.

"A bit patronizing? The only way it could be more patronizing is if its wheels were giant NuvaRings and they refused to let women drive it," Oliver quipped. Then he rolled a painful clip of a Labour Party spokeswoman attempting to suggest that the van wasn't pink, it was "cerise":

"I think she may have just hit rock bottom," Oliver added. "You can see her thinking, 'I got into politics to make a difference, and now I'm on television, desperately trying to act like I don't know the color pink.'"

Oliver concluded that he was "almost glad" that the party had yet to perform any real damage control, because it would probably involve promising women they could pet the party's new "pretty princess pony":


While the hot pink van is indeed pretty spectacularly boneheaded, Americans can be proud of their own political parties' obviously sexist tactics. Just check out the College Republican National Committee's wedding-themed ad encouraging women voters to put a ring on Florida Gov. Rick Scott so he can balance their budget, the GOP's bizarre anti-ACA ads portraying Obamacare as a sexual predator or South Carolina Democratic Chair Dick Harpootlian, who once suggested that Gov. Nikki Haley should go back to being a clerk at a store named "Exotica."

"Just a little advice, maybe pick up a bouquet of roses or two," outbound Daily Show host Jon Stewart suggested to Democrats in 2013. "Because I don't think women and minorities are going to leave you just yet, but I wouldn't get cocky."