How Ron Paul Has Actually Changed the Course of History


The Ron Paul campaign is dead. Over. According to Rachel Maddow and MSNBC, Ron Paul's failure to receive the plurality of delegates at the Nebraska convention put an end to the Texas Congressman's bid for the presidency. But, according to others, including Cincinnati primetime anchor and internet celebrity Ben Swann, Ron Paul has already received the plurality of delegates in the following five states: Nevada, Maine, Minnesota, Louisana, and Iowa. And he may have the majority in Colorado and Massachusetts, where a pending lawsuit against the GOP, who threatened delegates to sign an affidavit in support of Romney, could result in Paul's receiving the majority in the Bay State. 

Paul may have a speaking spot at the convention, and could even be up for nomination. We'll have to wait until Tampa. What the Ron Paul Revolution has accomplished - and will accomplish - is of greater consequence to the course of history than any of the empty promises offered by the presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney and Nobel Peace Price-winning, NDAA signing, 'kill list' reviewing President Barack Obama.

Recently, Ron Paul had his last encounter with Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. The double dose that Dr. Paul administered to Helicopter Ben was the same criticisms of central economic planning that the free market economists have been putting forth since Hayek, Mises, and even President Andrew Jackson - who called the Second Bank of the United States a "den of vipers and thieves." Paul's emphasis on the current system's bias against the middle class and the poor, and the secrecy in which the private banking cartel operates were key points made in this final showdown. The $16 trillion that was sent to foreign banks during the 2008 crisis was a significant allegation that Bernanke did not attempt to refute. "It's the destruction of the currency that destroys the middle class," said Paul. "The bankers, the government, the politicians - they all love this." Dr. Paul, who has a habit of predicting economic crises, warned the Financial Services subcomittee that the financial crisis was far from over. His lifelong goal of exposing the Federal Reserve has culminated in a vote July 24th for his H.R. 459 Audit the Fed bill.  

As the only veteran in the presidential race, Paul understands the unintended consequences and inherit fallacies of our foreign policy. In a five minute speech against the longest war in American history, the war in Afghanistan, Paul pointed out the paradox of fighting a war in Iraq for 'freedom' and 'defending the Constitution' when there was never any Constitutionally required declaration of war. The undeclared, undefined war on terror will eventually end - either as a result of another devastating financial crisis or by simply bringing the troops home.

Dr. Paul is also one of three Republicans to co-sponsor H.R. 6134, The Truth in Trials Act - a bill that will give those charged in federal cases for possession of marijuana the ability to defend themselves with proof that their medical marijuana usage is in compliance with state law. Paul is a staunch opponent of the failed drug war, and even when that position wasn't so popular. He is also an advocate of legalizing hemp in the United States. 

Whatever political action Paul has taken or will take in the future, the main objective is the preservation of individual liberty. Whether it is defending the economic liberty of American citizens by exposing the Fed or attempting to change the vicious drug laws, Ron Paul continues to make greater strides for the cause of freedom. While President Obama is hitting the campaign trail, informing business owners that they 'didn't build that,' and as Mitt Romney defends his felony allegations, Ron Paul is making an all-out offensive against the status quo that threatens every American's right to live a life free from an out-of-control, bankrupt federal government.