We Finally Know Who Lupita Nyong'o Will Be Playing in 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'

Captain Lupita, reporting for duty.
After two trailers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, we still had yet to see who Oscar winner Lupita Nyong'o would be playing in the upcoming film. The Kenyan actress was one of the most exciting additions to the cast upon first announcement, but director J.J. Abrams' penchant for secrecy kept her character reveal away from us.
In honor of Star Wars Day — "May the Fourth be with you," you've probably heard — Vanity Fair unveiled photos and character descriptions for many of the remaining characters in The Force Awakens. Among them: Lupita Nyong'o's pirate character, Maz Kanata.
It's unclear whether Maz will be allied with the Rebel Alliance in the new film or part of her own faction. We don't even know what she'll look like in her final CGI form. However, another photo from the Vanity Fair set reveals the crew of marauders that she'll be a part of:
With this reveal comes a bit of bummer news: Nyong'o is playing a CGI character instead of in her own skin. That's a shame, considering the actress has a stunning signature look. Not only that, but Nyong'o's post-Oscar career has been depressingly lightweight. She appeared in the shot-before-the-Oscars thriller Non-Stop in a pretty useless role, and she's also shooting Disney's Jungle Book remake.
None of that, of course, is Abrams' fault. Indeed, the CGI role for Nyong'o may be tremendously rewarding work. Scarlett Johansson made playing an OS with only her voice indelible in Her, and Nyong'o will get to do even more physical work through motion-capture technology. For now, it's worth celebrating that Nyong'o's role as a pirate sounds interesting; hopefully the substance of the part is too.
A few other roles were revealed in Vanity Fair's photo shoot, including Girls' Adam Driver, who will be playing a villainous character by the name of Kylo Ren. Check out his look, as well as some other characters', below.
Get excited.