You Can Be One of 2,400 People to Play With Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler together again on Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update desk? It can be a reality, at least at your house.
Thanks to the toymakers at Bif Bang Pow! you can re-create all your favorite funny news segments with your very own action figures of the comedians and a replica of the old Update desk set.
Feminist friendship never looked so good:
The 3 1/2-inch figures don staid black and gray pantsuits, and conservative shoes — feminine but not flaunty.
Think about all the fun you can have with these figures.
The high-five
The funky-chicken dancing
The scissoring!
Here's the catch: Only 2,400 of these sets have been made, and they go on sale July 8 at San Diego Comic-Con. The remainders will be available for purchase online.
Given that these BFFs have a ton of fans, this most certainly means that not all of us will get to play with Tina and Amy until Lorne Michaels gives Bif Bang Pow! the go-ahead for a second edition set.