Mexico Has Found a Great Idea to Show How It Feels About Donald Trump's Bigotry

Piñatas bearing the likeness of Donald Trump have begun popping up in Mexico. Created by the artist Dalton Javier Avalos Ramirez, the festive candy bombs were inspired by the Donald's anti-Mexican remarks during his official presidential campaign announcement on June 16.
While many were scratching their heads after Trump's lengthy diatribe at New York's Trump Tower, few were left with more hurt feelings than Mexicans. Trump dedicated a significant chunk of his speech to the threat the country and its people posed.
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Trump told the crowd. "They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
"A lot of Mexicans are angry at this person," Avalos Ramirez told BuzzFeed News. "We've made piñatas of controversial people in the past, and we thought it would be a good idea to make a piñata of Trump because a lot of people would like to hit him." The piñatas are sold through Avalos Ramirez's store, Piñateria Ramirez
According to Avalos Ramirez, business has been good.
Avalos Ramirez's fast-selling piñatas may be the flashiest, but are hardly the only way Mexicans and Mexican-Americans have been protesting the real estate magnate comments. Last Monday, a Facebook post attacking Trump by Mexican-American Adriana Almanza also went viral. The 28-year-old took aim at Trump's assertions that Mexicans in the United States were criminals and rapists by offering up the example of her own father.
"My dad has worked five to six days a week since I was a child and I've never heard him complain about it one time," Almanza wrote. "He doesn't drink. He doesn't use drugs. He is certainly not a criminal, rapist or drug trafficker, as your speech suggested ... If my dad is any representation of the type of people Mexico 'sends,' there is no doubt in my mind this country is getting the best. The problem is that you and I have a different definition of 'the best.'"
The Spanish-language television station Univision also registered its displeasure by announcing it would pull its broadcast of the Miss USA pageant, which Trump owns. Trump fired back at the station on Fox News, saying the move was violation of contract and that he planned legal action. A petition, now signed by more than 200,000, asks NBC to cancel the pageant outright in addition to Trump's signature show, The Apprentice.
The ill will is only likely to mount as Trump seems certain to participate in the first Republican presidential debate on August 6. Going forward, as long as he can remain among the top ten candidates, the political bête noire will have a national soap box in debates to come.
So get those piñatas ready.