Birth Control Mandate is As Bad As Sept. 11 and Pearl Harbor: Mike Kelly


President Obama’s contraception mandate, a part of the Affordable Care Act, took effect on Wednesday. The mandate requires companies offering health insurance to include contraception that comes at no out-of-pocket-cost to women in their plans. Even though churches have been excluded from the mandate, and religious nonprofits have been granted a yearlong grace period, conservative politicians and religious groups have deemed this the end of religious freedom as we know it.

1. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA)


“I know in your mind you can think of times when America was attacked. One is December 7th, that’s Pearl Harbor day. The other is September 11th, and that’s the day of the terrorist attack. I want you to remember August the 1st, 2012, the attack on our religious freedom. That is a day that will live in infamy, along with those other dates.”

2.  Brent Bozell, Head of ForAmerica

“With the stroke of a pen, the Obama administration has shredded the First Amendment and the Constitution right before our eyes.” 

3. Matt Smith, Head of Catholic Advocate

“August 1st will be remembered as the day our most cherished liberty was thrown in a government dumpster and hauled away.” 

4. Larry Cirignano, President of Faithful Catholic Citizens

“Give up your religion or go bankrupt. This is not a mandate, it is an ultimatum: Buy insurance and kill babies or go bankrupt fighting us.” 

5. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM)

6. David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical Association

"Who will stop U.S. Health and Human Services political appointees from forcing employers and individuals with faith-based convictions to subsidize abortion or life-ending contraceptives and imposing huge 'faith fines' on those of us who resist?”

7. Rep. Billy Long (R-MO)

“We’re not the land of the free anymore, and we need to get that straight.”