Chinese Swimmer Steroids: Chinese Rightly Demand Apology for Ye Shiwen Doping Allegations
The Chinese are rightly demanding an apology from John Leonard, the executive director of World Swimming Coaches Association, who said Chinese swimmer Yen Shiwen’s amazing Olympic performance – with which she scored successive wins in both the 400 and 200-meter individual medley races earlier this week, setting two new Olympic records and one new world record, was “disturbing,” adding short after that the Chinese swimmer’s feat was either “the greatest swim in history” or “something that is not correct” (implying Shiwen had taken performance-enhancing drugs to achieve such feat).
Shiwen was cleared of all doping allegations by Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA), which in a statement rejected the allegations against the 16-year-old Chinese swimmer. "This athlete has fulfilled all of the FINA Doping Control obligations, having been tested on four occasions in the last 12 months, including twice before the Chinese Olympic trials in 2012," FINA said. In addition, IOC spokesman Mark Adams said “Ye's critics should accept that the electrifying atmosphere of the Olympic Games often ignited dramatic performances, with athletes rising to levels never attained before.”
But these statements haven’t been enough to quell the Chinese uproar that have taken over that country’s social media to protest against the false doping allegations against their national hero. “An apology is very much required – this is a gross violation of [Ye’s] reputation,” said one user of the Sina Weibo microblogging service.
In the meantime, Ye acted like a good when she wrote on her Weibo account: “Today, I have completed all my races! I am very grateful for all the support I have received, including those who doubted me in the Western media! Thank you again for all the support!”
This is undoubtedly the behavior of a true Olympian.