It's Incredibly Easy to Turn Your Smartphone Into a 3-D Hologram Projector


It'll take you just five minutes to make your very own hologram projector. You'll wow your friends and impress your co-workers, and all you need is a few basic office supplies, an old CD case and a smartphone.


YouTube user Mrwhosetheboss used graph paper, a CD case, tape, a pen, scissors, a knife and his smartphone to rig up a device that, in the light, just looks like a pyramid of plastic taped together. But with the lights off, it's the perfect surface for projecting holograms. 


After you sketch out the plastic pieces, tape them together in a truncated square pyramid.


You can see the effect for yourself. The plastic reflects the image and creates a 3-D projection.


Keep in mind, you can't just turn any old video playing on your phone into a hologram. But there are a few simple videos to choose from already uploaded on YouTube, or you can go find one on a site called Holho, where they have more high-tech models, capable of building even larger holograms.

Fingers crossed someone wises up and makes a Princess Leia hologram model so we can all go full Star Wars.