Donald Trump Is Unknowingly Helping Women Get Rid of Their Used Tampons


Remember the guy who made those Donald Trump butt plugs in July? Well, he's back. And this time he's going for the jugular by introducing something we never knew we needed: Donald Trump Tampon Disposal Units. Which means that you can stick your tampon in Donald Trump's 3-D printed mouth. Judging from the size of the mouth, the figure can take an unused tampon, but may have trouble accommodating a full-on bloody tampon. But behold:

The inspiration for another 3-D printed Trump: Fernando Sosa, an artist based in Orlando, Florida, who immigrated from Mexico with his family as a child, began making Trump figurines with his 3-D printer after the Republican called Mexican immigrants rapists in July. "I figure the best way to humiliate people is to make a butt plug out of them," he told Mic at the time. 

He's long used his art to criticize politicians, but Trump has earned a special place in Sosa's portfolio.

So far, Trump has built his campaign on saying outlandish things to piss off large groups of people including immigrants, women and prisoners of war. Most recently, despite his promise that he will be "phenomenal to the women," he seems to have gone out of his way to upset female voters. During last week's Republican presidential primary debate on Fox News, moderator Megyn Kelly asked Trump about publicly calling women "fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals." He smugly responded, "Only Rosie O'Donnell." Later, Trump insinuated to CNN that Kelly's aggressive line of questioning had to do with her having her period. "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever." 

Trump has since clarified that he meant the blood was coming out of her nose. Many, like fellow contender Carly Fiorina, have said they find it hard to believe his statement wasn't straight-up sexism. 

Sosa is in the same camp. "I wanted to bring attention to his comments about Megyn Kelly," Sosa told Mic Tuesday. "I figured it'd be kinda funny."

Sosa is selling his Donald Trump Tampon Disposal Unit for $27.99.