Andy Samberg Gives Out His HBO Now Password at the 2015 Emmy Awards


If HBO Chairman and CEO Richard Plepler didn't think password sharing would a problem for the company's streaming service HBO Now, he's probably rethinking that right about now.

After what was already becoming a very talked about night, Samberg took it to another level. Brooklyn Nine-Nine star and 67th Annual Primetime Emmys host Andy Samberg shared the CEO's recent remarks about free access to paywalled streaming services with the audience. 

"We look at it very carefully," Plepler told CNN Money in August. "Right now, password sharing is just simply not a big number."

The awards show host then unveiled his login information for HBO Now, which isn't exactly secure: Samberg's email and password for the service are and password1, respectively.

Viewers immediately swarmed the streaming service with Samberg's login, quickly maxing out the number of devices.