Is Paul Ryan the Right Vice Presidential Choice for Mitt Romney?
Mitt Romney has chosen Representative Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin to be his running mate. The news came via the Romney campaign's mobile application Saturday morning in an announcement which read, "Mitt's choice for VP is Paul Ryan."
The selection was kept a secret until Friday night, when Romney telephoned other finalists to inform them of the news. The official announcement will be made at 9 a.m. Saturday morning after Romney tours the U.S.S. Wisconsin (coincidentally Ryan's state). The two are then set to begin a four-day tour of four battleground states, a trip that will kick off their new partnership.
Ryan, 42, is best known for his economic plan the "Ryan budget." As chairman of the House Budget Committee, Ryan pushed Republicans to draw economic lines in the sand. By choosing Ryan as his running mate, Romney underscores his basic message for a conservative restructuring of our nation's economy.
The budget, first proposed in April 2011, will undoubtedly become a central focus of the lead up to the election. The plan speaks bluntly of overhauling Medicare and Social Security and was once thought of as too politically contentious by many Republicans.
President Obama and Ryan have already battled numerous times over Ryan's budget proposal. “These are the kind of cuts that tells us we can’t afford the America that I believe in,” Obama said last April. “I believe it paints a vision of our future that’s deeply pessimistic.”
In simplistic terms, the budget reduces the top tax rate from 35% to 25%, cuts Medicaid, transportation infrastructure and food stamps, and restructures Medicare. Critics of the plan argue that it favors the upper class at the expense of the lower and middle classes.
“Spread the word about America’s Comeback Team #RomneyRyan2012," read the Romney campaign's mobile app announcement this morning. Whether or not this is America's Comeback Team, word is certainly spreading quickly.
Weigh in: What is your reaction to the news? Is Paul Ryan a good or bad choice for the Republican party? What chance does Obama have now? Share your thoughts in in the comments section below.