Amazon Black Friday Site Launches Early — Here's How Long It Lasts and Best Deals

On Monday, Amazon answered Black Friday fiends' prayers early, launching its massive sale site almost a full month before the bargain holiday commences on Nov. 27.
The e-commerce giant and a kingpin of Black Friday, the traditionally post-Thanksgiving consumer holiday when retailers offer unique bargains, launched a "countdown event" called "Black Friday Deals Store" on Monday that offers various deals "all day, every day" through Black Friday weekend.
The deals: Among the five offers listed so far are 50% off Saucony sneakers and $199 for a Moto X smartphone. These deals are available to all, but Amazon is giving priority to Prime members, according to a press release. Prime members can access limited-time "Lightning Deals" marked "Prime Early Access Deals" 30 minutes early. These deals are updated throughout the day.
Prime subscribers pay $99 a year for the VIP Amazon treatment, which includes expedited shipping and instant content-streaming, among other things.
This isn't the first time Amazon kicked off Black Friday festivities unusually early. In 2012 the company launched its Black Friday site three weeks early, Mashable reports.