Carly Fiorina Spent 7 Minutes Discussing Her Face With the Hosts of 'The View'

Forget the economy. International policy is old hat. What everyone really wants to know is what Carly Fiorina thinks about her own face.
On Friday, the Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO appeared on The View to discuss the aftermath of an earlier segment, in which host Michelle Collins called Fiorina's face during the Oct. 29 debate "demented" and co-host Joy Behar said she looked "like a Halloween mask." The View co-hosts' comments drew the ire of many pundits who criticized the show for demeaning Fiorina's looks much like Donald Trump did during an earlier debate.
After a quick opener about the shortening of the debates and unfair questioning, the hosts addressed whether or not Fiorina's skin had the requisite thickness for a presidential campaign.
"I've gotten used to unfair questions from the media," Fiorina said in response. "Sorta the way it is. If you can't handle a tough question, or you can't handle an unfair question, then you really shouldn't be president of the United States."
Whoopi Goldberg asked, "How will you get a thicker skin to accept some of the humorous things that will be said about you?"
"Well, hey, if you meant your comment about my face being demented and a Halloween mask as humorous, so be it," Fiorina said.
At this point, comedian Behar jumped in to point out her defense of Fiorina when Donald Trump commented on her looks. However, Behar drew a line between Trump as a presidential candidate and the women of The View, many of whom are comedians.
Behar listed the various candidates and what she makes fun of them for. "I make fun of Hillary's pant suits, Hillary's husband's ex life, John Boehner's tan," she said. "I don't understand why any politician is exempt from my comedic jokes."
Fiorina has no plans to stop The View's jokes. "I have skin plenty thick enough to take whatever people throw at me," she said. However, Fiorina said she'd rather talk about real issues like whether her campaign is against women. During the Oct. 29 Republican presidential debate, Fiorina spurred fact-checkers everywhere into motion when she claimed that 92% of jobs lost during President Barack Obama's administration belonged to women.
Collins backtracked and explain her joke, saying she meant that Fiorina looked like she was being controlled and made to smile.
"There's a time to smile and there's a time to be serious," Fiorina said. "When you're talking about burying a child, it is not time to smile." She added, "There are serious issues facing the nation."