Bernie Sanders Is "Still Sick and Tired of Hillary's Email"

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would like the American people to know that, just like he said in the first Democratic debate, he is still sick of hearing about Hillary Clinton's emails.
During Saturday night's Democratic debate in Des Moines, moderator Kathie Obradovich asked him whether, since Sanders recently told the Wall Street Journal that Clinton's use of a private email account may have raised "valid questions" over information security, he was backing away from his former stance.
Sanders' response was on point, managing to refocus the debate on the economic issues integral to his campaign against Clinton:
"That's just media stuff. I was sick and tired of Hillary's email, I am still sick and tired of Hillary's email," Sanders shot back.
"What I would like for the media now is for us to be talking about why the middle class is disappearing, why we have more people in jail than any other country, why we have massive levels of income and wealth inequality, and we're the only major country on earth without paid family and medical leave.
"We've gotten off of Hillary's emails, good!" he concluded. "Let's go on to the major issues facing America."