Tina Fey, Amy Poehler Describe What Sexy Means for Women in Their 40s in 'Glamour'

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler continue to be the sisters you never had but wish were members of your family. The silver screen comedic duo graced the cover of Glamour magazine's January 2016 issue, in which they discussed everything from their forthcoming movie Sisters to what "sexy" means for a woman in her 40s.
"Of course women in their 40s can dress sexy," Poehler, 44, explained in a question-and-answer-style interview in Glamour. "And, you know, the term 'sexy' is very subjective."
The question of what sexiness means to the Hollywood stars, known for their hilarious banter but also their ability to lead in the fight for women's equality, came up when Fey's role in a skit on Comedy Central's Inside Amy Schumer was brought up.
The question reads, "Tina, there was a joke in that 'Last F**kable Day' sketch you did on Inside Amy Schumer that [as an actress you know] you've passed your last fuckable day when all they have on set for you to wear is sweaters that cover you head-to-toe. But in Sisters you wear a sexy party [outfit]. Did you wanna push back against the stereotype that 40-something women can't dress sexy?"
"No," Fey told Glamour. "Well, my character is someone who's gonna dress like that into her 80s."
Fey, 45, continued, "I do also think that by the time you are in your 40s, what you want to wear and what you think is sexy is not always, like, for another person. It's what makes you feel good... Sexy is all relative."
Poehler agreed. "Wouldn't it be amazing if you spent one day not mentioning how anybody looks or how you look?" she told Glamour.
When the interview came to how the two ladies have managed to remain close friends for over 20 years, their answers were just as candid, true and heartfelt. "We don't see each other very often," Fey told Glamour.
"It's like a good marriage," Poehler added.