A Real-Life Palm Reader Explains Why It is Not a Con


Help is only a hand away – we are the hand that guides us.

Greetings to all. My name is Dr. Harada and I have this wonderful gift that I want to share with you, the gift of being able to read one’s palm. It’s an exciting gift that if used correctly can be a guiding light for you. Before I start looking at individual lines and the significance to our daily lives, I want to go through a couple of important issues which you should always keep in mind while reading my columns.

The first thing to always remember is that the lines on your hand are NOT set in concrete. Consequently, your destiny has not yet decided. Anything that you read from your palms is only a potential future that you CAN change if you have the desire and believe in yourself. So, reading the palm gives you an indication of where you are heading if all things stay the same. This is a great warning system we have. Your hand is like the speedometer in your car – if you are going too fast, slow down. If you are going too slow, speed up so you don’t miss the opportunity coming by.

Always remember the lines on your are reflective of our current health and occupation.  Thus, a nurse’s hands are vastly different from a mechanic’s. The environment you live in also makes an impact (i.e., agricultural, professional, blue collar, and stressful, etc). Thus, the hand represents your past, but  through reading your palm, you can glean something about your possible future. You are the one that will accept or reject it, by taking the necessary actions you have to take in your life. In this way, there is nothing esoteric or magical in the science of palm reading, it’s just simply reflective of who and what we are.

The reality is that we make our own life and the lines on our hands are reflective of the life we have made. They reflect the consequences of what you have been doing. Thus, the lines on our hand are mutually reflective of each other – a type of hologram into our inner self. If you think positively, your lines on your hand will become very clear. If you worry, are a pessimistic, or an anxious person, then you will find the lines on your hand will become very complex and messy. Yes, the lines on our hand do change over time as we progress through life. In this way, palmistry can be very indicative of your state of mind. That’s why monkeys only have two lines on their hands – they don’t worry much.

Each week, I’m going to pick a line and describe its significance to your life. So let’s take this journey together using the wisdom of this ancient art of palmistry. Talk to you next week.