10 Percent of College Grads Think Judge Judy Sits on the Supreme Court

One out of every 10 American college graduates believes that Judge Judith Sheindlin — better known as television's Judge Judy — currently sits on the United States Supreme Court.
The findings, which were first reported by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in September from a Constitution Day survey, have come to increased prominence in recent days.
The survey, which measured America's constitutional knowledge, also indicated some other gaping holes in the civic knowledge of America's youth. Of college grads, 46% was unfamiliar with the election cycle (four years for president, six for Senate, two for the House of Representatives), and 11% of Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 believed that the Constitution had to be reauthorized every four years.
The study is the latest in a long tradition of surveys that call into question many Americans' dubious understanding of civics. In 2014, a student group at Texas Tech University asked random students questions like "Who won the Civil War?" and "Who is our vice president?" The video, which has been viewed by more than 2 million people, prompted a succession of cringeworthy answers and "I have no idea"s. But do not despair: Most students could name the show that saw the rise of "Snooki."
The schtick was also popularized by late night comedian Jay Leno during his reign as host of the Tonight Show in his segment "Jaywalking."
Other large surveys have backed up the ACTA/Leno findings, showing that the responses and numbers were far from a fluke. A 2008 study by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute found that only half of adults could correctly name the three branches of government, according to Smithsonian magazine. ACTA also bemoaned similar results in a 2014 survey.
There is also the possibility that Judge Sheindlin may actually be tapped for SCOTUS. Why not? If there's a Facebook group, there's a way.
And anyway, who wouldn't want to read a Judge Judy decision?