Donald Trump Just Tweeted at Someone With the Twitter Handle @WhiteGenocideTM

Donald Trump just pulled a twofer: He trolled Jeb Bush while engaging someone who appears to be a white nationalist.
On Friday morning, Trump retweeted a Photoshopped picture at Donald Trumpovitz — aka @WhiteGenocideTM — of Jeb Bush standing in the cold, holding a "Vote Trump" sign.
Trumpovitz has a long and illustrious history of retweeting hateful messages, targeting every minority from Muslims to blacks to Jews.
Among the user's choicest retweets:
Trumpovitz also links to the movie The Greatest Story Never Told, a documentary which glorifies the life of Adolf Hitler.
Despite the jarring bigotry espoused by @WhiteGenocideTM, the account's ideology is not entirely incongruous with Trump's.
On Dec. 9, Trump called for a "total and complete shutdown" of Muslims emigrating to the United States, "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."
"I think there can be profiling," Trump said on Face the Nation, just days before his anti-Muslim announcement.
"A lot of people are dead right now ... everybody wants to be politically correct, and that's part of the problem that we have with our country," he added. "You have people that have to be tracked. If they're Muslims, they're Muslims."