Here's Why Beyoncé's "BeyHive" Are the Most Loyal Music Fans

Beyoncé (or Queen Bey if you know what's good for you) is so much more than a pop star — she's an icon, a proud feminist and the woman at the helm of one of the most loyal, devoted fanbases in the industry. Bey's "BeyHive," as they're known, are totally committed to their idol, and without them, Beyoncé wouldn't be the powerhouse she is today.
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They live online: Beyoncé's BeyHive is all over Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram... basically wherever you can talk about Beyoncé in the virtual world, the BeyHive is there. They fuel talk about Bey even when she's not trending in the news by constantly speculating about her upcoming album, her personal life with Jay Z and any new developments she may have.
On Twitter, @TheBeyHiveTeam, which bills itself as the "Home of Beyoncé fans," has more than 25,000 followers alone, and fans keep a running commentary about Queen Bey at all times:
They're not afraid to fight: Lord help anyone who so much as steps on Beyoncé's toes, because the wrath of the BeyHive will rain down on them like the fire of a thousand suns. In November, the BeyHive went after Kevin Federline (remember him?) on social media after he made the mistake of calling her "sawface" on Twitter. Their response prompted Federline to issue a formal apology to Bey and to release a remix of "Single Ladies" as a "tribute to Mrs. Carter and her incredibly loyal fan base."
When Kid Rock spoke disparagingly about Beyoncé during a 2015 Rolling Stone interview (he said she "doesn't really fucking do much for me") he got totally swarmed by the BeyHive when angry Beyoncé fans flooded Kid Rock's Instagram posts with bee emojis, reported the Huffington Post.
Whenever anyone, anywhere, speaks ill of Beyoncé, her fanbase will be there in a flash to defend her — a phenomenon that was lampooned in a 2014 Saturday Night Live sketch.
But Beysically the rule is, if you know what's good for you, don't go after Beyoncé — because her BeyHive always has her back.