We Talked to The Creator of These Flawless Idris Elba and Michael B. Jordan Body Pillows

If you've ever fantasized about cuddling with your dream man Idris Elba, an online shop's body pillow has your name (along with his face/pecs) written all over it.
See? Look. You're welcome.
The pillow, which is double-sided (for your pleasure), was initially unearthed by The Cut and is available via online retailer Izzy & Liv. It is just one of a smorgasbord of body-sized pillows featuring the faces and shirtless bods of such delicious men as Michael B. Jordan, Tyrese Gibson and Trey Songz. Oh, and '90s hunk Tyson Beckford, who starred in the emotionally gripping music video for Toni Braxton's unforgettable 1996 ballad "Un-Break My Heart."
"Our main focus is to create clothing and accessories that celebrate women of color and anyone who can relate," Izzy & Liv's Nicole W. Brown told Mic in an email. "Our brand is inspirational, fun, sassy, filled with pop culture references and a bit retro."
She said that after putting out a successful line of "men we love" T-shirts last year, the shop decided to apply the concept to home decor.
"We thought it would be great to feature a few men on throw pillows, but we quickly discovered that a small square pillow where you can only feature (an albeit handsome) face did not do some of these men justice!" she said. "So the body pillow was born in an effort to showcase the men in full effect."
After the Idris Elba and Michael B. Jordan models first debuted in December, Brown said they were an "immediate hit" and requests for more men started rolling in.
It's not hard to see the appeal in these man-pillows. Cuddling is a favorite activity amongst legions of living, breathing humans — even if they can't (or don't want to) do it with other living, breathing humans. In Japan, for instance, anime-themed body pillows (or "dakimakura") are very much a thing. (Side note: Remember when James Franco fell in love with one on 30 Rock?)
Perhaps this is because cuddling has been known to have health benefits that range from decreasing stress and lowering blood pressure to releasing endorphins in the body. Perhaps this is why the "professional cuddling industry" exists, in which people shell out big bucks to professionals who help them experience the comfort and intimacy that comes with a good cuddle sesh.
Brown told Mic that Izzy & Liv's man-pillows are often purchased as gifts for people getting over breakups — which, considering how many ne'er-do-well fuckboys are running around today, is probably an upgrade anyway.
"Half of the sales gifts for a friend or loved one who is a fan, or a friend who recently had a breakup. The other half are people buying for themselves," she said. "We've have even had a few husbands buying the pillows for their wives, if you can believe it!"
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, we have a feeling business will be booming this month.
h/t the Cut