Meet the Plus-Size Pole Dancer Who Wants to Teach the World About Confidence


Now this is how you twirl on your haters. 

In a new video from BuzzFeed Health, Eda Marbury shares her journey with body acceptance, food and how she was able to overcome them with the help of pole dancing as a fitness routine. 

The story begins with Marbury's anorexia, which improved once she met and married her now-husband. 


Marbury had to come to terms with her weight, and then she sought a way to make it better: pole dancing. 


"I was afraid, at first, of people laughing at me and making fun of me, but once I started going, I felt more confident about what I was doing and it didn't matter what people were going to say," Marbury told BuzzFeed Health. 


Once she began to practice her sport, Marbury became more confident and even began to post videos of herself online. While there were detractors — this is the internet, after all — most welcomed her videos and applauded her for sharing her story. 

Besides, there's only one thing that matters: Marbury loves her body. 


h/t BuzzFeed Health