Frank Ocean Makes Somewhat of a Comeback on Kanye West’s “Wolves” on 'TLOP'

After an arduous journey through Twitter polls and name changes, The Life Of Pablo has finally arrived. Kanye West's latest album admittedly includes a number of gems in its 18 tracks, including the remake of his previously released single "Wolves," originally featuring Sia and Vic Mensa.
On The Life Of Pablo, however, "Wolves" doesn't appear to have either artist's vocals on the haunting track with Yeezy. After three minutes of listening, one begins to wonder if West decided to scrap the other two and go solo on this eerie tune at the last minute, in pure Yeezy fashion.
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Then, right when the song sounds as if it's coming to a close, an ethereal voice is heard. After a few seconds, the notes sounds all too familiar, and fans become immediately aware of what they just heard: Frank Ocean has finally risen from the ashes for a guest appearance on the "best album of all time."
However, Ocean only sings the outro on the track, and to be frank, it's pretty depressing. Not only does the singer croon incomplete sentences for less than 40 seconds, but his usual R&B charm is masked with a deep depression and dark lyrics:
"The rings all ring out /Burn out, cave in /Blackened to dark out /I'm mixed now, fleshed out /There's light with no heat /We cooled out, it's cool out /Life is precious /We found out, we found out /We found out."
Moreover, "Wolves" was quintessential Yeezy with Sia and Mensa on the original single, and the trio's performance on SNL marked a new era for West and his music. Fans have been awaiting his latest album ever since, and the similar features it would entail.
Instead, Yeezy replaced some of his greatest potential features for The Life Of Pablo with not even a full verse from a disappearing R&B hitmaker. We missed Ocean, and we're glad he may slowly but surely be returning to the music industry, but there certainly wasn't any need to cut the other two acts.
Luckily, there's a little thing called the internet, which created an awesome mashup.