Super Tuesday 2016: List of States Voting This Week

Jim Watson/Getty Images

Attention, nation: Super Tuesday is almost upon us, which — depending on its outcome and the reader's political leanings — could be emphatically unsuper. Why? Because many states will vote on March 1. With hundreds of delegates at stake, this primary-caucus cluster can give candidates tremendous advantages relatively early on.

Super Tuesday dates back to 1988, when 16 mostly Southern states scheduled their presidential primaries for the same day at the start of March, which in turn prompted Iowa and New Hampshire to push up their respective caucus and primary election. The South's high representation in this event explains why it's alternately referred to as the SEC — Southeastern Conference — Primary.

Super Tuesday was conceived as "a device to keep out insurgents," as presidential historian Michael Beschloss told NBC in 2008. "The idea was, you have all those primaries on one day, hard for somebody to win unless they've got a lot of money, name ID [and] organization."

Read more: Rubio Beats Cruz in South Carolina GOP Primary, Setting up Showdown With Trump 
Jim Watson/Getty Images

These are the 14 states and one territory involved on March 1, i.e., Super Tuesday 2016:

Alabama — Democratic and Republican primaries 

Alaska — Republican caucus

American Samoa — Democratic caucus

Arkansas — Democratic and Republican primaries

Colorado — Democratic and Republican caucuses

Georgia — Democratic and Republican primaries

Massachusetts — Democratic and Republican primaries

Minnesota — Democratic and Republican primaries

North Dakota — Republican caucus (see FrontloadingHQ for a breakdown of what's wonky about North Dakota's delegate allocation process)

Oklahoma — Democratic and Republican primaries

Tennessee — Democratic and Republican primaries

Texas — Democratic and Republican primaries

Vermont — Democratic and Republican primaries

Virginia — Democratic and Republican primaries

Wyoming — Republican caucus (precinct caucus, i.e., first stage of the state's process)

Plus all those Democrats living abroad