5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas That Take Less Than 10 Minutes to Make for the Busy Millennial

Millennials are busy. From a packed schedule of classes to internships to work to some semblance of a social calendar, is it any wonder why many would rather get a head start on their commute than eat? Even a simple bowl of cereal is considered a hindrance because it involves cleaning up a bowl.
However, skipping breakfast because of inconvenience can result in an inconvenient domino effect. Wall Street Journal reported that "skipping breakfast before a day of school significantly reduced students' speed and accuracy on cognitive and memory tests compared with those who ate breakfast."
Surely you have 10 minutes to get something in you, if only to ensure you'll be able to concentrate for the rest of your day. Here are five healthy breakfast ideas that won't interrupt your manic morning routine.
Read more: 8 Healthy Lunch Ideas That Don't Break the Bank