This New Virtual Reality Technology Lets You Chuck Virtual Objects With Your Bare Hands


It's possible to juggle virtual objects with your bare hands using new virtual reality technology


No controller. 


Just human hands.

Computer hardware company Leap Motion's new hardware/software VR technology, dubbed Orion, tracks hand movement so acutely "that people can forget there is any separation between them and technology," Leap Motion co-founder Michael Buckwald told VentureBeat


"It is the first version that is specific for virtual reality, and we think we can really transform VR in a fundamental way by letting people, as soon as they put on a headset, see their hands in front of them," Buckwald said. A beta version of the software is available for those with Leap Motion Controllers here

But more intricate versions should be available from Leap Motion in the near future.


Orion should be on the market for VR headsets in 2016.

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