Most Adorable Single Dad Ever Teaches Other Dads How to Do Their Daughters' Hair

Braiding hair is a mom's job, right?
This is Philippe Morgese:
"I want to teach these dads enough so that if they're in the position where they have to do it, they don't need to be labeled with 'dad hair,'" dad beauty school pioneer Philippe Morgese told the Orlando Sentinel.
"I don't want her to miss out on girly stuff. She doesn't need to be a tomboy because she's being raised by a dad," Morgese said.
Dad beauty school is no joke.
"I schedule my life around this class," a dad beauty school student dad told the Sentinel. "It gives me a good feeling to know that she knows that I can help her out if mom's not around," another dad beauty school said.
Fifty dad-daughter pairs showed up to the most recent class.
"It doesn't make you a good dad by doing hair but if you're already a good dad this is just another tool in the belt," Morgese said. "You know letting her feel beautiful, if it takes a braid I'll do it. I'm all for that."
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