Rancho Cucamonga, California, Barber Refuses to Serve Gender-Nonconforming Patron
After a California barbershop — called, well, The Barbershop — denied a haircut to gender nonconforming Kendall Oliver, Oliver decided to make sure that no one else would have to face the same fate when simply looking to up their style game.
Oliver is now suing The Barbershop for discrimination, and he recounted the trip on Facebook on March 8.
"Maybe you should advertise on your website and door that you are sexist and refuse to serve women," Oliver wrote.
"Not only that, but [I] was also turned away and denied a haircut for being transgender."
According to several news outlets who have spoken to Oliver, Oliver does not use gender identifiers.
Richard Hernandez, The Barbershop's owner, explained why he refused Oliver service. "It's not our intention to discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation or gender of anything like that," he told CBS Los Angeles. "The Bible teaches us that a woman's hair is ... her glory. I would not want to take away any glory from her."
People who read Oliver's story expressed their support and were similarly horrified by the refusal of a simple haircut.
CBS Los Angeles reported that Oliver walked out after the refusal of service. But, Oliver does feel The Barbershop needs to know its actions were not OK.
"They need to know that it is hurtful," Oliver told CBS Los Angeles.
"I don't see how that should affect a business," Oliver told Southern California's NBC 4.
Currently, The Barbershop's Yelp page has a warning notice that its page is being monitored for reviews that do not reflect actual customer reviews and people who are just stopping by to bash the business owners.
And if Hernandez really does love the Bible, here's a verse he should get to know: 1 Peter 4:10.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms.
Hmm, it's almost like not using his gift of cutting hair to help others is against the Bible, too?