Rihanna Fan Steals the Show Singing "FourFiveSeconds" During 'Anti' World Tour Concert

All anyone can ask for is to be just like Ohio State University administrator Terah Stewart living his best life Saturday night at the Rihanna Anti World Tour's Cinncinnati show. Stewart had the once-in-a-lifetime chance to sing a duet with the Barbadian singer during her Saturday night concert in Cincinnati when she passed the mic to the crowd during "FourFiveSeconds."
Little did Rihanna realize there was talent to be reckoned with right underneath her nose. "Y'all don't understand how long I have been riding for @Rihanna," Stewart tweeted after the show, after a video of him performing — and Rihanna's incredibly candid reaction — was already going viral. "I will never forget this. She followed me too. #NavyForFuckingLife !!!!!!!!"
Read more: Rihanna's "Navy" Has Her Back No Matter What, And Here's Proof
Multiple videos from the performance have surfaced, capturing Rihanna's shocked reaction to the powerhouse vocals displayed by Stewart, who has been a choir student throughout his education, according to TMZ. In one shot (which Stewart retweeted), Rihanna is seen grooving along to her music before kneeling down to hand the mic to some front-row fans. That's when Stewart essentially stole the show, even managing to bewilder the security guard standing front and center, who appears visibly perplexed by his stellar vocals.
By the end of the night, Stewart was already an internet phenomena, with videos of his performance with Rihanna being uploaded across social media and retweeted among Twitter users thousands of times:
Some of Rihanna's Navy even captured the moment with cartoons:
As for Stewart? TMZ reported he is hoping this is the "FourFiveSeconds" of fame he needs to make it to Broadway. According to Twitter, however, the singer seems to be "#WaitingonEllen":