People Are Using #DemocraticCocktail to Make a Statement About Women's Health Care Rights


It's been a chaotic mess of a presidential campaign season, and everyone's in dire need of a drink (or five). Perhaps that's why #DemocraticCocktail became an instant phenomenon when the hashtag began trending on Twitter Thursday. Many people and apparent Democrats used the moment to capitalize on the Democratic Party's issues, most notably women's health care. Some social media users used the hashtag to call attention to the Republican Party's so-called war on women.

"My #DemocraticCocktail is chilled box wine with a side of accessible birth control rights," Summer Ayerle tweeted Thursday. Another Twitter user, identified as Kelly, has an order that is somewhat similar, with a twist, "My #DemocraticCocktail is reproductive rights with a little equal pay on top."

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The poignant tweets were certainly filled with sarcasm and humor, but the underlying issues they pointed to aren't anywhere near as humorous. Twitter users took aim at the 2016 GOP candidates' consistent threats to do everything possible to defund Planned Parenthood, as well as repeal the right to legal abortions. 

Women's health care wasn't the only issue on the #DemocraticCocktail docket on Thursday: