Georgia Parents Got "Mystical Religion" of Yoga Banned From School

First Harry Potter, now this? When will U.S. schools stop thrusting witchcraft upon innocent Christian children?
For some parents at Georgia's Bullard Elementary School, that's more or less the argument. Appalled that their kids were learning yoga and other "mystical" mindfulness practices at school, they pushed — successfully — to get some of the activities banned before their kids could be brainwashed for good.
Bullard issued the bans after parents complained yoga "endorses a non-Christian belief system," according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
"While we have been practicing destressing techniques in many classrooms for years, there have been some recent practices associated with mindfulness that are offensive to some," principal Patrice Moore reportedly stated in an email to parents.
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So what's banned? Kids will still do yoga moves in their classrooms, but they won't be saying "namaste" or putting their palms together over their hearts anymore. (Little do parents realize it's upward-facing dog and chair pose where children really learn to shun American values.) Additionally, images of mandalas will be banned from coloring time.
Some parents reportedly believed the school was teaching kids to harness the healing power of crystals. Though Moore assured parents it wasn't true, she also promised crystals wouldn't be making an appearance at the school at any time in the future.
Parents hope their kids can be spared indoctrination into a dangerous Far East religion.
"Now we can't pray in our schools or practice Christianity but they are allowing this Far East mystical religion with crystals and chants to be practiced under the guise of stress release meditation," concerned parent Christopher Smith wrote on Facebook, according to the Washington Post. "This is very scary."
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Parent Susan Jaramillo was disturbed that kids aren't praying or saying the pledge of allegiance at school, "yet they're pushing ideology on our students," according to WXIA. "Some of those things are religious practices that we don't want our children doing in our schools."
Yoga is on the rise, as much as we hate to break it to these Georgia parents. From 2002 to 2012, the percentage of Americans who did yoga jumped from 5.1% to 9.5%, according to a 2015 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Yoga has myriad health benefits, including reducing chronic back pain, improving mobility and relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. And hey, this 103-year-old claims yoga is the key to her longevity.
If your kids are learning yoga and mindfulness practices in school, just breathe. It's a good thing.