Here are the 10 Trumpisms that Donald Trump Fans Love Most

Ever since his announcement speech in June, real estate billionaire and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has been an endless font of quotable sound bites. But Trump has been quotable since long before the beginnings of his run for the highest office in the United States. His history of great one-liners extends all the way back to 1987, when his memoir-cum-business-how-to The Art of the Deal hit newsstands.
Trump is currently number one among voters: He is sprinting toward the GOP nomination while Cruz walks and Kasich limps. His book is also number one, snagging the top spot in two separate categories in Amazon's Kindle store.
To find out why people love Trump the candidate, we looked to what people love most about Trump the memoirist. Here are the top 10 pearls of wisdom from Trump's The Art of the Deal on Kindle, based on which received the most highlights from Kindle readers.
10. "Location also has a lot to do with fashion. You can take a mediocre location and turn it into something considerably better just by attracting the right people." — 380 highlights
Sure, this advice seems innocuous enough, though that last bit about "attracting the right people" does beg the question of who he deems the right people. In the passage, Trump is actually talking about selecting Third Avenue for Trump Tower, even though Fifth Avenue is decidedly ritzier and comes with more name-brand recognition. However, in the end, Third Avenue became a "prestigious place to live" according to Donald — all because he erected a tower there.
9. "Perhaps the most important thing I learned at Wharton was not to be overly impressed by academic credentials." — 409 highlights
Trump's brand of populism is definitely anti-elite. The one uniting factor of Trump's broad coalition of Republican voters is that they lack college degrees and are decidedly blue collar — so academic credentials would probably not mean very much to them at all.
8. "To me, committees are what insecure people create in order to put off making hard decisions." — 413 highlights
Trump has a history of making personal attacks on people — just ask Jeb Bush. Meanwhile, Trump is so threatened by his tiny hands that he dropped a line about the size of his penis during a debate.
7. "The worst of times often create the best opportunities to make good deals." — 448 highlights
Trump has repeatedly used ISIS as a way to literally scare voters into voting for him. And it works: In the South Carolina primary, which Trump won, 32% of voters said that terrorism was their number one concern. Trump has also leveraged the fear of terrorism into blatant Islamophobia, going so far as to suggest that he would ban all Muslims from entering the United States. Sadly, voters love that, too.
When he talks about good deals, who is he talking about making them with? Certainly not the young Syrian refugees, who he plans to tell to their faces that they're not welcome in the United States.
6. "It just goes to show that it pays to move quickly and decisively when the time is right." — 456 highlights
Donald Trump is not one for forethought. In fact, if you believe what he says about his decision-making process, it's guided by one governing emotion: anger.
"I'm very angry because our country is being run horribly and I will gladly accept the mantle of anger," Trump said at a January Fox Business Network debate. "Our military is a disaster. Our health care is a horror show ... Yes, I am angry. and I won't be angry when we fix it, but until we fix it, I'm very, very angry ... I'm angry because our country is a mess."
5. "I believe in spending what you have to. But I also believe in not spending more than you should." — 541 highlights
Aside from terrorism and immigration, people have also been attracted to Trump for one very important reason: his status as a business mogul. Trump touts his business experience as a reason to vote for him, and Trump's readers love his business advice too. In the name of consistency, Trump is still not too keen on spending money, whether it's on one of his properties, or on a wall separating the United States from Mexico.
4. "My leverage came from confirming an impression they were already predisposed to believe." — 569 highlights
In this telling passage, Trump is explaining how he got Holiday Inn to partner with him for a property in Atlantic City: He lied to them, telling them what they wanted to hear.
Telling people what they want to hear is the textbook definition of a demagogue, and several prominent Republicans have come out and used the word to describe Trump. The racial tensions surrounding Trump's demagoguery came to a head at his Chicago rally, which was shut down by protesters and spawned the infamous "raised arm" photo.
3. "I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present." — 618 highlights
Put simply, those who don't know their history are doomed to repeat it. And in this sentence, Trump isn't just ignorant of history, he's rejecting it. Republicans and Democrats alike — like Sen. Elizabeth Warren — believe that Trump's demagoguery spells trouble for America. Some have even compared Trump's words to those of Hitler. But, it's not only Germany that has a history of rallying behind a demagogue: America has been fooled by demagogues before, as well.
2. "Good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all. Controversy, in short, sells." — 624 highlights
Trump has a complicated relationship with the media. At a Louisiana rally, he scolded the media as "the most dishonest people you'll ever see" for turning around to focus on protesters at his rally. But Trump is right: He courts controversy, rather than rejects it.
1. "Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game."
Trump eschews money because he has so much; he barely needs more. But, when it comes to focusing on money, Trump's own words refute the ones in his book 20 years earlier.
At a Trump rally, the Republican front-runner said: "I don't feel good about turning down money, because my whole life I've been greedy, greedy, greedy. I grabbed all the money I could get, I'm so greedy. But now I wanna be greedy for the United States and grab all that money, I'm gonna be greedy for the United States."
There you have it, folks. All laid out in his book: a man who loves bad publicity, wants to be greedy, ignores history and tells people what they want to hear. And, barring a contested convention, he's our next Republican candidate for president.