Beyoncé New Video: Rumors Suggest Mothers of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown Will Appear

If you were surprised by Beyoncé's unapologetically pro-black anthem "Formation" when she dropped it the day before her black panther-themed Super Bowl performance, you are in no way, shape or form prepared for what might be coming next. A new rumor from the ever-buzzing BeyHive is suggesting the superstar has enlisted the help of the families affected by police brutality against black men and women throughout the nation for a new music video, possibly in conjunction with a new video album dropping imminently, reported.
Photos began circulating over the course of the week of Beyoncé and her music mogul husband Jay Z visiting multiple rallies for racial and other social justice causes, as well as photos of the two with the family members of Trayvon Martin, a victim of systemic racism and violence.
Read more: Will Beyoncé's New Album Drop on April 4? Conspiracy Theory Has Fans in a Frenzy
At this point, Beyoncé's fans are so hungry for any news of the singer's latest project, they'll take just about anything. But giving them continued hope for a social justice album from their queen is like throwing an antelope into the lion's den.
"If you thought Beyoncé had racists shook when she dropped 'Formation' and performed at the [Super Bowl], she's coming again!" one caption on Twitter with the photos read over the weekend, receiving over 5,000 retweets.
None of the women have spoken as to whether or not they're working on any secret projects with Beyoncé, though all three families — Martin's, Michael Brown's and Tamir Rice's — have been active in the Black Lives Matter movement and at the forefront of the conversations of racial equality, police brutality and the intersection of the two in America.
As for Beyoncé, the megastar has decided to speak up on race relations — and we might be hearing more from her on April 4.
April 7, 2016, 5:46 p.m. Eastern: This story has been updated.
Correction: April 7, 2016