"Oculus Rift Face" Is the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, but for Tech Bros


This is so much worse than duck face.

Tech dudes are posting selfies on social media showcasing the red marks left behind by the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset, Popular Science reported.

We couldn't help but draw a comparison to another viral social media trend involving facial disfigurement: the #KylieJennerLipChallenge.

In 2015, the lip challenge had teens sucking on shot glasses in pursuit of the reality star's full lips. In the process, many were injured

Oculus Face could become the #KylieJennerLipChallenge, but for tech bros. Observe the parallels:

- Prolonged use incurs some unfortunate facial side effects. 

- Said side effects prompt users to share photos on social media. 

- The damage can be long lasting. As one Oculus Rift user noted, using the face prison for too long can become hot and stuttering after prolonged use.

Unlike the #KylieJennerLipChallenge, this fad won't be cheap. The headset and a compatible PC can cost up to $1,500.

As more people who can afford expensive gaming systems get their faces in Oculus Rift headsets and subsequently spend way too much time in them, we are going to see an onslaught of pouty, imprinted faces grace our social feeds. 

But hey, at least it's better than this:

Robert Scoble/Google Plus