April Fools! John Stamos Just Hijacked Your Netflix Account

Well, that was unexpected.
Innocent Netflix users were left scratching their heads Friday morning when seemingly every movie category was changed to wall-to-wall John Stamos content.
"Action & Adventures John Stamos Enjoys With His Bros," "Dramas That Make John Stamos Feel Emotions" and "Suspenseful Movies That Make John Stamos Anxious" were just a few of the offerings.
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Take a look:
Stamos stars in the Netflix Full House reboot Fuller House. He joked on Instagram earlier this week that he had a "new project" with Netflix — which in retrospect may have been the April Fools' Day joke and not, thank God, Fullest House.
In any case, fans ate it up, setting Twitter alight with Uncle Jesse love.
However you feel about Stamos, this prank did decidedly less damage than a previous Netflix joke in which, according to an Imgur post, the company slapped a "New Episodes" graphic on the icon for Firefly, sending Joss Whedon fankids into temporary cardiac arrest.
For his part, Stamos couldn't resist getting in on some of the April Fools' Day action too.
Trigger warning: It's not what you think.