Here Are the Ways Beer Is Good For You, Just in Time For National Beer Day


Thursday, April 7, is National Beer Day, which commemorates the date when beer was re-legalized and marked the end of prohibition in 1933. Now, those over the age of 21 can reap the variety of health benefits that come with (responsibly) shooting back a cold one.

Research has found that consuming up to two 12-ounce glasses a day for men, one for women, can actually help our bodies as we age, according to Forbes. For the record, it doesn't really matter what type of beer, what color, or whether or not it's craft or mass-produced, according to NPR.

An Italian study found that wine, beer and coffee are beverages with the lowest risk for causing kidney stones, especially compared to soda, according to CBS News. The researchers suggested that sugar, obesity and diabetes can contribute to those painful kidney stones.

The heart may also benefit from a pint of beer, as a different Italian study found that those who drank beer moderately lowered their chances of heart disease by 42%, according to Men's Health. The optimal beer consumption was about one pint of beer a day (at 5% alcohol content). 

Read more: Is Red Wine Good for You? Here's What Science Tells Us About Imbibing
Wagner T. Cassimiro "Aranha" Follow/Flickr

One delectable nickname for beer is "liquid bread," because it contains a good amount of protein, fiber and other vitamins and minerals, according to NPR. It has also been found to contain silicon, which helps to toughen up our bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Early research also suggests that beer has gut-healthy prebiotics. Along those lines, the bitter acids in beer are linked to a better digestive system, as they help the stomach's cells release their gastric acid, according to Everyday Health

As for those notorious beer-bellies, that onus does not fall on beer alone — it receives ample support from the "pub grub" that's often served alongside it, according to NPR. 

If you're still unconvinced, you could try soaking in beer rather than sipping on it. "Beer spas" are a trendy new option, according to the New York Times, as people believe that the yeast and vitamins in beer are good for the skin. 
