Hillary Clinton Supporter Created #HillarySoQualified — And It Immediately Backfired

When Hillary Clinton supporter Kim Frederick created the hashtag #HillarySoQualified, the premise was simple enough. Clinton allies would tweet about her various accomplishments in public office and unite their efforts under the hashtag.
Read more: Black Twitter Suggests #NewHillaryLogo Since Campaign Keeps Trying to Be Black-Friendly
Things like this:
Unfortunately for Frederick and other Clinton boosters, the campaign quickly went downhill before spiraling completely out of control after the hashtag was hijacked by supporters of Bernie Sanders. By early Thursday, a constellation of anti-Clinton forces were using it as a dumping ground for Clinton transgressions — both real and imagined.
"Any time a Hillary Clinton hashtag gets started, in the beginning ... it's going to be our stuff," Frederick told the Washington Post. "Whenever it starts to trend, we own it for five, ten minutes, and then these Bernie tots come in and start trying to take it over."
It's not the first time the candidate has backfired on social media. When her campaign published "7 things Hillary Clinton has in common with your abuela," she was accused of "Hispandering" in the subsequent #NotMyAbuela campaign. Her campaign was also blasted for attempting to honor Rosa Parks with a graphic that depicted Parks sitting on Hillary's "H" logo.