Netflix Price Changes Are Coming — Here's When You'll Pay More for Your Subscription

Starting next month, Netflix and chill will be a more costly activity — for some. On Monday, the streaming service announced higher subscription fees, but according to CNN Money, there's a bright side for Netflix loyalists, of sorts: the longer you've bought into the company's services, the longer you'll enjoy binge watching for less.
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In October, the company hiked prices for first-time subscribers to its standard, high-definition streaming plan: They now paid a monthly $9.99, rather than $8.99. Longtime users who'd been grandfathered into streaming subscription continued to pay $7.99 each month. Throughout 2016, those customers' fees will rise to $10 thanks to the company's "un-grandfathering" plan, and everyone will be informed of the change in an email.
The monthly Netflix bill comes to $7.99 or $8.99 for over half the service's subscribers. But the company will offer a more affordable standard definition plan, priced at $8-per-month. This may be a reaction to Amazon's Sunday announcement that it will be offering an $8.99-per-month video streaming plan.
Netflix has yet to announce precise dates for its price increases. Subscribers should keep an eye on their inboxes — lest they miss the company's explanatory email — and binge like there's no tomorrow.